Spreading His love is how we express generosity to others.




Expanding the Global Reach of the Greater Exodus Community

Our unwavering commitment involves using technology to deliver Jesus-centered content in various languages and organizing teams to assist in disaster relief efforts, all in our mission to reach individuals far and wide.

Touching Lives Worldwide

Through collaborations with local humanitarian groups internationally and deploying teams to offer aid, we are spreading our faith to individuals across the globe.

online giving FAQ

God sustains our church's ministry through your financial contributions, and we ensure that your tax-deductible gifts are managed with faithful stewardship. It goes beyond just covering expenses; it is a form of personal worship to God, returning to Him what already belongs to Him. Moreover, it is about witnessing lives being transformed by the powerful impact of the Gospel within our community and beyond.

  • Can I schedule recurring donations?

    Yes, rescheduling payments can be done via Pushpay, our new church management software.

  • Will I still receive a contribution statement?

    Yes, you will. Contribution statements are sent out on an annual basis. You can also login to your member portal on Pushpay and download your giving statement at any time.

  • What if I change banks?

    If you change banks, don't worry. You can update your new banking information in Pushpay and your recurring donations and pickup where you left off. If you need any assistance, feel free to reach out to

  • Is online giving secure?

    Online giving is secure. Pushpay is a fully PCI-DSS Compliant Level 1 Service Provider. All givng and customer information is secure and work is done tirelessly such as partnering with third-party companies that are apart of this compliance (such as VIsa, Mastercard, etc.). 

  • Who do I talk to for more questions?

    If you have any questions about anything regarding giving or have technical support questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Technical Support Team at

2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

To receive your annual giving statement, click the link below to be taken to your Pushpay account

A black and white logo on a white background.

Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

A cell phone with a loving god and loving people app on it.

Download the GREATER EXODUS BAPTIST Church app

Enjoy live services, sermons, events, the media library, giving, and much more! Take GE, The Powerhouse in your pocket wherever you go.

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